As you can tell, this guy is full of personality and very easily distracted!
9 Month Stats:
Weight: 23 lbs 12 ounces (95%)
Height: 29 1/2 inches (85%)
Head: 19 1/8 inches (100%)
Some highlights from this month:
Weight: 23 lbs 12 ounces (95%)
Height: 29 1/2 inches (85%)
Head: 19 1/8 inches (100%)
Some highlights from this month:
- Went to the Zoo and Fairytale Town for the first time and loved checking out the animals! Even got to feed a giraffe with Mom.
- Played in the big bathtub for the first time.
-Went swimming and Dad made him go all the way under.
-Enjoyed more new food!
- Played with new friends.
- Celebrated Cinco de Mayo!
- Made his television debut on Good Day Sacramento! Definitely think he has a chance at stardom...