Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Moulding for the Nursery

Last weekend I told you guys all about painting the baby’s room. Well this weekend we were able to get everything finished up and the crown molding cut and installed. We’ve had the crown molding since we bought our house 3 years ago, now I remember why we’ve put it off this long….

It’s a huge pain to get everything cut just right so it fits together perfectly.

Here is a before shot of the room:

One of the perks of installing crown molding is that we didn’t have to cut in the paint at the ceiling. We just painted close to the top and the rest will be covered by the crown molding. We also put little pieces of masking tape to mark each of the studs so the molding will be nice and secure.

Here is what it looks like now:

And you get a better look at the paint color when I’m not taking pictures in the dark. We still have to do the finishing touches like filling the nail holes and caulking around the trim, but we are making progress!

And we found baby furniture this weekend! More to post about decorating the room soon…

Monday, March 19, 2012

Painting the Nursery

Now that we’ve finally cleared out all the furniture we were able to get Baby O’s room painted yesterday.

Here is what it looked like before (after a little painting prep like removing the blinds and one of the baseboards so we wouldn’t have to cut in):

We chose Behr paint in Porpoise and I was quite impressed with how well it covered. After one good coat it only needed touching up in a few places, but we went ahead and gave it a second coat just to be sure.

We were able to get the whole room prepped and painted, even cutting in around the molding and baseboards.
I was hoping to have a really impressive after picture for you with crown molding installed and everything, but that turned out to be a little more tedious that we had expected.

This is a shot of the finished paint color (at night) so not the best judge of color.

And this is what it looked like when I went to bed:

We were able to get all the studs marked and the crown molding cut and painted last night so cross your fingers that it will all work out and we can get it put up tonight!

We also decided on a theme for this little boy and bought some amazing accessories for his nursery… Just a teaser until I get a few more things together and I’ll show you what we have planned!

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Special Bassinet for Baby O

We've made a little progress with nursery projects. Picked out paint and cut crown molding, just waiting for the rain to go away we so can get everything painted and installed.

I've used this down time to work on a couple of sewing projects. First up, a special bassinet for Baby O. My mother-in-law gave us the bassinet Eric slept in when he was a baby. It's 30 years old, but still in great condition, just needed a little updating.

Here are a few before shots.

As you can imagine, this isn't quite what Eric had in mind for his son. It may be yellow, but he didn't think eyelet and lace counted as gender neutral.

I found some great navy blue home dec fabric at Joann's on clearance for a great deal and got to work updating the bassinet. The liner looks brand new so I was able to remove the lace tiers and reuse the inside instead of constructing something from scratch.

Here is the after.

A perfect place for the bulldog from Grandpa and Grandma! 

I added four pleats to give it some detail without making it too girly. 

Once we decide on a final theme for the nursery I will be making a few fitted sheets for the little mattress and a little pillow to go inside. Of course the pillow will just be for looks as we won't use it when he's in there.

Can't wait to show you what else we have in store!

Baby O: Due August 22!

As usual we are in the middle of many projects, just haven't quite gotten to the "after" photos yet.

I blame my lack of energy and motivation on our biggest project yet:

That's right, we're expecting our first baby boy due this August!

I can't complain, since the past 4 months have been a piece of cake. I've felt great, no morning sickness, just a little less energy and a little more time spent on the couch.

But I promise this new addition means MANY more projects for us. Now that we finally know it's a boy we've started working on the nursery!