Thursday, July 26, 2012

Baby O: 36 Weeks

Baby O
How far along? 36 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Living in dresses!
Stretch marks? Only a few more weeks to go, hope I can make it out without any!
Movement: He loves to jam himself on my right side and roll all around.
Food cravings: Milk and Slurpees are my new addiction ; )
Can't resist: Making to-do lists, only a few more productive weeks until it's all about Carter!
Gender: Boy.
Symptoms: Ankle swelling, but some time in the pool should take care of that!
Belly Button in or out? Out and about.
Projects This Week: Getting ready to tear off the kitchen counters so they can be replaced next week. Nothing like a little last minute makeover!
Looking forward to: Maternity leave!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Baby O: 35 Weeks

Baby O

How far along? 35 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Can barely remember wearing regular clothes, I’ll be happy to have a whole “new” wardrobe this fall!
Stretch marks? Holding strong, hopefully my skin doesn’t have too much farther to stretch.
Movement: All day, he’s been pretty squirmy lately.
Food cravings: Lots of milk… I almost need a second refrigerator or a daily trip to Costco…
Can't resist: Counting down the days left of work…
Gender: Boy.
Symptoms: He has dropped down and this week I’ve noticed a change in my hips, ligaments are loosening to get ready for labor.
Belly Button in or out? Out and squishy.
Projects This Week: Hanging the mobile and finishing the valances.
Looking forward to: Life as a family of 3, it’s so close it finally seems real!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Baby O: 34 Weeks

Baby O

How far along? 34 Weeks
Maternity clothes? I still have a few regular maxi dresses that I wear, but most regular pieces aren’t long enough.
Stretch marks? Fingers crossed I can hold out for a few more weeks!
Movement: He loves to stretch out his legs, judging from their length he is going to be a big boy!
Food cravings: Milk and fruit popsicles… a must on these hot days!
Can't resist: Working on our to-do list.
Gender: Boy.
Symptoms: Puffy feet, but they go down pretty quickly if I lay down for a bit.
Belly Button in or out? Out!
Projects This Week: Putting the final touches on his room, a few things left to hang and organize and we are ready for this little guy.
Looking forward to: Being done with work in a couple of weeks! Couldn’t come soon enough…

Friday, July 6, 2012

Baby O: 33 Weeks

Baby O
How far along? 33 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Dresses and yoga pants!
Stretch marks? Still clear.
Movement: He loves to cram himself over on my right side and make my stomach lopsided.
Food cravings: Still going strong with my milk cravings!
Can't resist: Checking things off our to-do list, I think we have everything we need for him, now it's just getting it all put away!
Gender: Boy.
Symptoms: Slight swelling in my ankles.
Belly Button in or out? Out and quite obvious.
Projects This Week: Hanging the finishing touches in his room and making a mobile.
Looking forward to: The next 3 weeks flying by... can't wait to be off work!